Sunday, November 8, 2009

Colorfield Variations DVD curated by Richard Chartier

The Colorfield Variations

The COLORFIELD VARIATIONS program, curated by renowned sound artist Richard Chartier, is a collection of audio/visual works reinterpreting the Color Field movement by an international array of critically acclaimed sound and new media artists including: Frank Bretschneider, Alan Callander, Chris Carter + Cosey Fanni Tutti (Chris & Cosey/Throbbing Gristle), Sue Costabile, Evelina Domnitch + Dmitry Gelfand, Mark Fell (SND/Blir) + Ernest Edmonds, Tina Frank + General Magic, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Stephan Mathieu, Steve Roden, and Bas Van Koolwijk. Colorfield Variation includes new works especially created for this program.

Color Field painting, an abstract style that emerged in the 1950s following Abstract Expressionism, is characterized by canvases painted primarily with stripes, washes and fields of solid color. The first serious and critically acclaimed art movement to originate in the nation's capital, Washington Color School was central to the larger Color Field movement. As a reaction to the emotional energy and gestural surface of Abstract Expressionists, the Color Field artists and members of The Washington Color School turned away from the individual mark in favor of color itself becoming the content of the work. Breaking painting down to the fundamental formal elements, the Color Field artists created pure simplified, large-format, color-dominated fields on a large monumental scale.

During the early sixties, Color Field painting was the term used to describe younger artists whose work were related to second generation abstract expressionism yet clearly pointed toward a new direction in American painting. Artists such as Clyfford Still, Mark Rothko, Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland, Helen Frankenthaler, Leon Berkowitz, Frank Stella and others eliminated recognizable imagery from their canvas and presented abstraction as an end in itself with each painting as one unified, cohesive, monolithic image.

Think of Barnett Newman’s painting "Who's afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?" with its almost physical effect.

This program in its original form was created for Washington Project for the Arts as part of the city wide ColorField.Remix events which took place in April-June 2007 at the WPA Experimental
Media Series at Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Subsequent Colorfield Variations screenings and events include: Issue Project Room (Brooklyn, NY), Decibel Festival (Seattle, WA, Cimatics (Brussels, Belgium), Laptopia04 (Tel Aviv, Israel), The Hammer Museum (Los Angeles, CA), and Plateaux Festival (Torun, Poland).

STEVE RODEN (US) dark over light earth / 13:00
FRANK BRETSCHNEIDER (DE) looping i-vi (excerpt) / 12:00 / VIEW VIDEO EXCERPT
STEPHAN MATHIEU (DE) orange was the color of her dress / 10:00
SUE COSTABILE (US) + BEEQUEEN (NL) amp_swell / 03:49
TEZ (IT) CF #1-2n / 05:10
CHRIS CARTER + COSEY FANNI TUTTI (UK) Chronomanic Redux / 10:00
SAWAKO (JP) flirting 07121602 / 03:15
E.DOMNITCH + D.GELFAND (RU/US) 10,000 Peacock Feathers in Foaming Acid / 08:00
ERNEST EDMONDS (AU) + MARK FELL (UK) Broadway One (excerpt) / 02:00


Visual Sounds-Musik Intermedial/Soundtrack_Cologne 6.0. [ Koln, DE ] Nov 17, 2009
LIFEM: London International Festival of Exploratory Music [ London, UK ] Nov 4-7, 2009
Dis-patch Festival [ Belgrade, Serbia ] Oct 23-Nov 8, 2009 TBC
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart [ Stuttgart, DE ] Sept 3, 2009
44th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival [ Prague, Czech Republic ] July 3-11, 2009
Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporàneo/Territorios Digitales [ Seville, ES] May 22-June 6, 2009
Plateaux Festival [ Torun, Poland ] Nov 7-9, 2008
Hammer Museum [ Los Angeles, USA ] Sept 24, 2008
Cimatics Festival [ Brussels, Belgium ] Nov 22-24, 2007
LAPTOPIA #4 FESTIVAL [ Tel Aviv, Israel ] November 21, 2007
Henry Art Gallery/Decibel Festival[ Seattle, WA ] Sept 20, 2007
Laplandia/Issue Project Room [ Brooklyn, NY ] Sawako, T.Deupree, R.Chartier. Sept 8, 2007
G Fine Art [ Washington, DC ] April 27-May 27, 2007
Ellipse Art Center [ Washington, DC ] April 27-May 27, 2007
Corcoran Gallery of Art [ Washington, DC ] w/Sawako, Ernest Edmonds+Mark Fell. April 25, 2007

See this Sound Lentos - Linz

== Only German version for the moment ==

See this sound - Klangkunst

Klangkunst umfasst grenzüberschreitende Kunstpraktiken, in denen der akustischen Ebene eine wahrnehmungs- bzw. strukturleitende Bedeutung zukommt. Optische Ebene und räumliche Dimension stellen die wichtigsten Referenzen zum Ton dar. Ausschlaggebend für die Abgrenzung der Klangkunst gegenüber der Musik ist in erster Linie das Aufbrechen der Linearität und zeitlichen Begrenzung.

In der zwangsläufigen Verbindung auditiver, visueller und motorisch-taktiler Wahrnehmung thematisiert Klangkunst das Zusammenspiel der Sinne und basiert daher stärker auf allgemeinen Wahrnehmungsaspekten als auf der Weiterentwicklung kunstspezifischer Prinzipien. Dadurch verliert das werkhafte Objekt gegenüber der subjektiven, auf die Wahrnehmung konzentrierten Erfahrung an Bedeutung.

Direkte Vorläufer entstanden seit 1900; ab 1950 prägte sich die Klangskulptur aus. In den 1960er Jahren entstand das heute wichtigere Konzept der Klanginstallation. In den 1980er und 1990er Jahren fand Klangkunst durch spezialisierte Einzel- und Sammelausstellungen zunehmende Verbreitung und ging in die wichtigen Festivals zeitgenössischer Musik ein.

Monday, November 2, 2009 presents: Lukas Simonis presents:

A Happy Life at the Expense of Others by Lukas Simonis

Sometimes it's better to let the dog or cat do the choosing bits. Stay with your mouth full of teeth at the moment that the interspaces are being distributed. You can always fall back on your pride. Such behaviour wakes trust in irregular violations. Who are you to think you can permit yourself such an attitude?! There are other men as well you know, in this world I mean... And such Ostrichery are not serving them! Show us what you have in dah house homeboy!, ...from bowl to bowl. Let the others judge about your total entity, inner self, outer limits - from coast to coast that is... And for the last time; hold that face in the fold! You dressheadbone!

OUTGROUND is the place of fragments. There's no silence in OUTGROUND and you can add to the no-silence by clicking on a fragment. Clicking again makes it stop. Click as many as you want and construct your own piece. This might give you the impression of self-activation.

INGROUND is crystallized heaven. There are only 4 pieces. An author who has taken parts of dead people's brains, form the basis of these pieces. Maybe this is superfluous to point this out.

Lukas Simonis is musician, performer, radiomaker and the (he?) works. In 2008 he organised the 'Outism' festival in WORM, Rotterdam. 'Outism' is a self-invented name for something that goes from 'Outsiders' to 'Autism' to 'Ism' & anywhere else.

Guitars by Candlesnuffer & Simonis. Mixing & editing by Simonis.
Texts: Grand nuzt dah ladies man, Phelphs hates fags, Uncle Alistair , Debuffet, Simonis & others.
Books: 'Special Cases' by Rosamond Purcell, Mutter Museum: Historical Medical Photographs, In the Realms Of The Unreal:"Insane" Writings, The Perfect Medium: Photography & the Occult .